Fall GA AAUW Leadership Meeting Scheduled

The GA AAUW Fall Board meet­ing begins 8:45 am Sat­ur­day, Octo­ber 22, 2011 at Shorter Uni­ver­sity, Riverdale Cam­pus (south of the air­port). Pat DeWitt made arrange­ments for GA AAUW to use the facil­i­ties. This is the loca­tion where the 2010 Sum­mer Lead­er­ship meet­ing was held.

Deb­bie Kar­vey, Co-President said, “Lau­rie and I hope to see you there … offi­cers and mem­bers, all are welcome.”

Impor­tant busi­ness will be dis­cussed as well as value added pro­grams and GA AAUW updates. Please down­load the reg­is­tra­tion form and direc­tions and return by Octo­ber 18. There is no need for a lunch selec­tions this time as there will be an assort­ment of sand­wiches for lunch.