Hurricane Sandy – AAUW Statement

On behalf of the Board of Directors, AAUW staff, and the entire AAUW community, we express our sincere concern for members, their families, and their friends who have been affected, directly and indirectly, by Hurricane Sandy. Our thoughts are with those who have lost homes, property, businesses, and places of employment and perhaps even a loved one. Many of you have inquired about AAUW staff, and we are happy to report that, other than a few inconveniences such as power outages and detoured commuter routes, all are well.

We also thank the women and men who placed themselves in harm’s way throughout the storm to respond to emergencies. Our first responders are selfless individuals who often perform thankless jobs, and members who perform these duties should especially be recognized.

Please be assured that we will continue to stay connected through our shared membership — and our commitment to the AAUW mission. Although many directly affected by this natural disaster still do not have communication, we welcome and encourage any updates from you as recovery efforts continue. We are particularly sensitive to the impact on women and children, who may be especially affected by this natural disaster. Your efforts to share our message with fellow members and supporters in your state are appreciated.

Our thoughts remain with you and all AAUW members nationwide who have been affected by Hurricane Sandy and its aftermath.


Linda D. Hallman, CAE
AAUW Executive Director