Our May meeting was not only the end of this Branch year’s (2012-13) activities but the start of our 2013-2014 work. Sharon Bevis-Hoover will begin her second year as Branch president and will be orienting our new president-elect, Dr. Myra Carmon, who will succeed Sharon next May. Other officers elected include Marcy Nader as Board secretary (2013-2015), Jo Marie Dogali as Branch meeting secretary (2013-2015), and a nominating committee for 2013-2014: Betty Arden, Pat Bevis, Ruth Yurchuck, and Phyllis Miller, chair.
The Board met on June 15 to discuss plans for the upcoming year and to elect Betty Arden to serve the remaining term of Myra Carmon as Program Vice-President.
We are also delighted to report that our 2012-13 Branch intern, Amira Saleh, will be continuing to serve in this position for another year–but with a big difference. Amira has accepted a job offer with the Center for Inspired Teaching in Washington, D.C., where she will be a teaching fellow in their Inspired Teacher Certification program starting in July. Amira will still manage our monthly newsletters and help prepare our 2013-14 yearbook.
Thanks to everyone who supported Branch activities this past year, and we look forward to your continuing involvement.