The Nominating Committee (Sharon Bevis-Hoover, Dana Gordon, Mary Lynn Merkle, Bea Meyer, and Betty Arden (chair) announces the following slate of officers to stand for election at the May 4 meeting:
Co-presidents-elect; Cele Covatta and Wendy Venet
Branch secretary: Marcy Nader
Board secretary: Kay Collins
Finance officer: Huiping Du
Nominating committee: the current committee listed above has agreed to serve a second term.
The co-presidents will begin their term on July 1, 2020 and serve through June 2022. The current Branch secretary will be serving a second term, and the current Board is completing the 2018-2019 term of the previous Board secretary. The Finance officer is completing the 2019-2020 term of the previous Finance Officer.
Election of these women will take place at the annual Branch meeting on May 4. There will be an opportunity for nominations from the floor. Please plan to attend and support the newly elected officers!