Annual Holiday Party

AAUW Atlanta Branch will hold its special December meeting on Sunday, December 11, 2011, at the home of Mary and Darwyn Womack, from 3 to 5 pm.   Members should plan to bring an item for the silent auction, and funds raised will go to the AAUW Legal Advocacy Fund.  Board members should arrive at 2:30 to set up for the silent auction.  If you don’t have a special item to contribute for the auction, a “money tree” will be available so you can add support for LAF.

This annual event is always a special occasion, and members and friends can enjoy the wonderful goodies that the Branch Board members bring.   Consider bringing a friend who might be interested in joining our Branch.   Please notify Frances Smith ( if you plan to attend, and the names of any guests, by December 9.  See you there!