Name Grant Honorees for 2011

The AAUW Funds Committee of the Atlanta Branch is pleased to announce the Name Grant Honorees for 2011.   They are:  Dr. Myra Carmon, Diana Dey, and Carol Fetters (in memoriam).  Their awards were part of the December Branch  holiday celebration.

Carol Fetters, a long-time Branch member, succumbed to cancer earlier in 2011.  For many years she hosted the Contemporary Literature Branch Interest Group.  She had been active in the Branch and was noted for her delightful personality and energy.

Dr. Carmon and Diana Dey worked hand in hand to establish our first collegiate organization branch at Georgia State University (GSU).  Their many hours of work and persistence made this possible.  They also devoted time and effort to organizing the fall Branch kickoff meeting at GSU, attracting members and potential members.  Both received a special certificate from AAUW and a pin acknowledging their contributions to the organization.

Their efforts have stimulated us and we look forward to their continuing efforts on behalf of the AAUW Atlanta Branch!