Our 2011-2012 Year Has Begun

Thanks to the students in our Georgia State University (GSU) Collegiate Affiliate Branch (CAB) for hosting our September kickoff meeting at the GSU Student Center.   The students had an opportunity to meet our Branch members and to get a feel for how our business meetings proceed.  Special thanks to Dr. Myra Carmon, advisor to the CAB, who worked with Diana Dey, CAB president and with Betty Slater, Branch member for organizing the refreshments and program.

Two of the students whom our Branch supported in attending this summer’s the National Conference for  College Women Student Leaders (NCCWSL), Lauren Kenny and Diana Dey,  had a power point presentation highlighting some of the activities in which they participated.

Members of both branches took advantage of the opportunity to sign up for working shifts of the 52nd annual Bookfair to be held from October 2 through 10th at Perimeter Mall.  We need the help of everyone to make this year’s Bookfair a success, so please contact Barbara Buchanan to contribute your time.