The Atlanta Branch elected and installed new officers this spring. Our co-presidents are Cele Covatta and Wendy Venet. Betty Arden and Velma Tilley are our program vice presidents; Marge Anderson and Phyllis Miller are our vice presidents for membership; and Sharon Bevis-Hover is our financial officer.
Our first meeting for this year will be via Zoom on Saturday, October 17, at 10 am. The focus of the program will be the U.S. census and its importance; Bea Piddock, long time AAUW member, will be the speaker. All current and new members are encouraged to attend. For further information, contact Velma Tilley. A Zoom link will be mailed this week.
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Our Branch president, Diana Witt, announces “It is with regret that I think we must cancel the May 2nd meeting.” Our programs are subject to the guidelines set out by the CDC and Governor Kemp, and the health of our members and their guests takes priority during the Covid19 pandemic.
Of course, this leaves us with the problem of elections. and installation of newly elected officers. At this time, the Board will be working with Diana to set out a revised election process. When a decision is finalized, members will be notified and the information posted on this website.
Please continue to protect your health by observing the CDC and state guidelines during this difficult time.
March Branch Meeting
The March 21, 2020 Branch meeting, scheduled to be held at the Cross Creek Cafe, has been canceled, in compliance with recommendations from the CDC and Governor Kemp. We regret that we will be unable to hear from Jeff Graham, Executive Director of Georgia Equality, our scheduled speaker.
Please check our website for information about changes in other Atlanta Branch activities.
Diana Witt
AAUW Atlanta Branch
2019 Holiday Party!
Our Branch has much to celebrate in this holiday season, so please plan to attend our annual holiday party on Saturday, December 14. from 10 am to 1:30 pm, at the home of Gillian Horsley, 126 Beverly Road NE, Atlanta, 30309. Park your car on Doncaster Street!
This is a new time frame and location for our gathering. We will have a light brunch, including dessert and wine, plus a silent auction. National scholarship winners from Georgia have been invited to join us and share information about their research. And the 2019 Named Grant Scholarship recipients will be revealed.
So this is an event you will not want to miss! Please respond to your evite or email You can also call Billie Collier or Betty Slater for more information.
Women in the Arts
Come to the Branch meeting on Saturday, November 16th, from 11 am to 1:30 pm to hear from historian Jeff Clemmons and learn about Atlanta’s Westview Cemetery. Our meeting will be held at the Lenox Bar and Grill located in the Atlanta Marriott Buckhead Hotel and Conference Center, 3405 Lenox Road, Atlanta, 30326.
There will be a business meeting and we will get some highlights of the 60th annual Bookfair.
Members can use the hotel’s valet parking or park at Lenox Square and walk across the street to the hotel. We will order from the menu.
Please respond to your evite or contact either Billie Collier or Betty Slater by November 12th.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Women in the Arts
The Atlanta Branch installed new officers this spring, and here are the people leading our Branch to fulfill our organizational mission of advancing equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy, and research .
Our co-presidents are Cele Covatta and Wendy Venet, who will serve until the 2021 election of new officers. Marge Anderson and Phyllis Miller are the membership co-vice presidents. Betty Arden and Velma Tilley are our program co-vice presidents; Sharon Bevis-Hoover is our financial officer. These women, plus those who have been appointed as officers and committee chairs form the leadership team. We are grateful for their service to our Branch. And there is a place for you to join them as committee members. (See the current Branch Handbook for more information),
Our first major event for 2020 is a program meeting, via Zoom, on Saturday, October 17, beginning at 10 am. The program focus is the U.S. Census, and our speaker is Bea Piddock, long time AAUW member. A Zoom link for this program will be emailed later this week.
We welcome new and continuing members, and guests, to join us. Please contact Velma Tilley at for more information.