Author Archives: ruthyur

AAUW National Election

Don’t forget to vote in the 2019 AAUW National Election. You should have received an email dated April 1 containing your membership ID and a PIN, both of which are required for voting.

This year members are electing a board chair and vice chair and ten national board directors and voting to approve or disapprove proposed changes to the 2019-2021 Public Policy Principles.

Just log in to the AAUW website national election page. There are links to information about all the candidates, and you can submit questions to any candidate. Voting closes on May 14 at 6 pm. Please exercise your right to vote. It’s your AAUW and your voice counts!

2019 Nominating Committee Report

The Nominating Committee (Sharon Bevis-Hoover, Dana Gordon, Mary Lynn Merkle, Bea Meyer, and Betty Arden (chair) announces the following slate of officers to stand for election at the May 4 meeting:

Co-presidents-elect; Cele Covatta and Wendy Venet
Branch secretary: Marcy Nader
Board secretary: Kay Collins
Finance officer: Huiping Du
Nominating committee: the current committee listed above has agreed to serve a second term.

The co-presidents will begin their term on July 1, 2020 and serve through June 2022. The current Branch secretary will be serving a second term, and the current Board is completing the 2018-2019 term of the previous Board secretary. The Finance officer is completing the 2019-2020 term of the previous Finance Officer.

Election of these women will take place at the annual Branch meeting on May 4. There will be an opportunity for nominations from the floor. Please plan to attend and support the newly elected officers!

Women in the Arts

Our May 4th Branch meeting will be a very special one. We’ll gather at the High Museum of Art at 11:30 am for an important business meeting: the election of officers and nominating committee members for 2019-20. Those members who have served the Branch will also be recognized.

After the business meeting and lunch, members can tour the museum with our member docent, Diane Jones-Palm. The current special exhibits include European Masterworks: The Phillips Collection or way Out There?; The Art of Southern Backroads; Hand to Hand: Southern Craft of the 19th Century.

We have passes for members to tour the High’s “Women in the Arts!”
Members of the High can help another person to attend the exhibit with
a $5.00 fee. Docent lead tours are $15 per person for non-members. Self-guided tours are $12 per person. Contact Mary Lynn Merkle for passes.

There will be lunch at the Twelve Eighty, which includes salad, choice of three entrees, dessert and a beverage. Entree choices include crispy grouper sandwich and fries; grilled chicken with vegetables; or farmer’s Vegetable Faro. Choice of Crème Brûlée or chocolate mousse cake for dessert. Cost of the lunch is $25.

Please respond to the Evite ASAP with your entree and dessert choices or email Billie Collier at

You may also choose to attend only lunch and the business meeting without a museum membership.

Please come and enjoy this special event!

Women in the Arts

The Annual Business meeting of the AAUW Atlanta Branch  is scheduled for May 1, 2021. We will gather at 11 am at the Cross Creek Cafe (1221 Cross Creek Pkwy NW # A, Atlanta, GA 30327).

The guest speaker will be Jeff Graham, Executive Director of Georgia Equality. Those attending will order from the menu. And for those who are unable to attend in person, you can join us by Zoom; here is the Zoom link: Results of our recent election will be announced.

This is the last meeting of the 2020-2021 year, so we look forward to your participation.

Join us for the Annual Branch meeting on May 1

We hope  you will join us in person at the Cross Creek Café (1221 Cross Creek Pkwy NW # A, Atlanta, GA 30327) on Saturday, May 1 at 11 am.  This is our  annual business meeting and the final Branch activity of the 2020-2021 year.  Our guest speaker will be Jeff Graham, Executive Director of Georgia Equality.  Those attending will order from the menu.

If you are unable to join us in person, please join us via Zoom.  Here is the Zoom link:

Please plan to attend in person or via Zoom.  We look forward to  your participation!


Women and Finance: What’s Important for Younger Women to Know

Our March 9th Branch meeting will be a valuable experience for members and their friends to learn about women’s financial strategies, retirement, and estate planning. The meeting will be held from 11:30 to 2:30 at the 57th Fighter Group restaurant (3829 Clairmont Road, Brookhaven); their phone number is 770.234.0057.

There will be an important business meeting preceding the program, featuring Lee Ann Gregg; she is a financial advisor with Ameriprise with many years of financial planning experience. The topics she will address are of particular importance to women in their 20’s and 30’s, so plan to bring a younger woman along as a guest. Cost of the buffet lunch will be $25.

Please respond to your evite by March 2; you can also call Billie Collier, Program Development co-chair or email
See you there!