Author Archives: ruthyur

February 9 Branch Meeting


You are in for an informative session with Shirelle Atkins, manager of the Buckhead Library. She will be sharing things about what the library can do for us as AAUW members, and provide information about obtaining information about Atlanta area events and interesting materials that are free of charge.

This branch meeting will be held on February 9th from 11:15am to 2:00pm at Cross Creek Cafe (1221 Cross Creek Pwy NW, Atlanta; Phone: 404.351.1550). We will order from a selected menu and pay individually.

Representatives from some of our College/University Partners will also be attending. Our own Dr. Myra Carmon will represent Georgia State University; Dr. Lois Richardson and Ms. Laura Maxwell will represent Georgia Gwinnett College; and Ms. Tia Williams will represent Emory University. Ms. Gail Buckner, an ERA advocate, will also update us on what is happening in Georgia.

Please RSVP as soon as possible to your evite or email to confirm your attendance. Bring a friend along! See you in February!

mistletoe and holly…..

Don’t forget the annual holiday party for Branch members and their guests tomorrow from 3 pm to 5 pm! There will be a silent auction, and national scholarship winners have been invited. Also, representatives of the Georgia Institute of Technology and Oglethorpe University will be attending. In addition to wonderful goodies, you will hear about the Name Scholarship winners. There will be a Branch business meeting at 1:30.
The meeting and party will take place at the home of Mary and Darwin Womack. See you there!

Attend our November Meeting – Gap Scholarship Program

Our November 10 meeting will be held at the Buckhead Library from 10 am to noon and will feature a presentation from the Atlanta Technical College about its Gap Scholarship Program. There will be breakfast sandwiches, donuts, and coffee; the cost is $6.00.

The Gap Program offers funds to qualified students attending our College/University partner schools who take 12 credit hours of college work. It is similar to our local scholarship program.

Come to enjoy a casual breakfast and learn more about Atlanta Technical College and its Gap Scholarship Program.  See you there!

Attend our September Membership Tea

Plan to attend our Fall 2018 Membership Tea on Sunday, September 16, from 2:30 to 5:00 pm. There will be an interactive program, STEM and YOU, which will be held in the Mary Brown Bullock Science Center at Agnes Scott College (17 East Doughtery Street, Decatur, GA 30030). Do bring a friend along to enjoy the program and get acquainted with AAUW Atlanta Branch activities.

Please RSVP by September 8 to our Program Vice Presidents, Billie Collier or Betty Slater  You can also respond via evite, which members should have received the last week of August.

Please note:  wear comfortable shoes as you will be moving around during this event.  And there will be wonderful refreshments to keep up your energy.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Don’t forget to submit your comments about the proposed national bylaws

Now through 11:59 p.m. ET on March 22, 2018, you can comment on the amendments recommended by the AAUW Governance Committee and AAUW Board of Directors and propose amendments that you’d like to see on the ballot for the AAUW vote this spring.

There are three proposed bylaws amendments to consider: 1. Staggered terms of office for AAUW Board of Directors on a 3-year rotation; 2. Membership requirement for AAUW Board of Directors; and 3. Degree requirement for membership in AAUW. It is easy to submit a comment by logging in and click on the proposal you wish to address.
Your name and location will be added when you submit your comments.

Our Branch has taken no official position on any of these proposals but review the rationales provided and support or reject any or all of them.