Time: First Wednesday, 7:30 PM
Connie Eshenour’s Home
Reminder that we meet next Wednesday, March 7 to discuss “The Seville Communion” by Arturo Perez-Reverte. We will gather at Connie’s about 7:30PM. Mary Lynn will lead the discussion and goodies will be provided by Phyllis.
The April 4 meeting will be at Mary Hanson’s home. Kay will lead the discussion about “Infidel” by Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Mary will provide refreshments.
The Contemporary Literature book group will meet at 4:00 PM, Monday, January 7, 2013 at the home of Frances Smith. The discussion will be about Dust Tracks On A Road by ZoraNeale Hurston. Contact for questions: Kay Collins.
On March 8th the Travel Group will visit the Breman Jewish Heritage and Holocaust Museum to view a special exhibit–The Art of Gaman: Arts and Crafts from the Japanese American Internment Camps 1942-1946. The Breman is located at 1440 Spring St., NW, and the phone number is 678-222-3700.
HOWEVER– We will meet at the Kroger Store at Ansley Mall at 10:00 to carpool to the Museum.
And, as usual, we will lunch together following our Museum time. RSVP Betty Arden at Travel@AAUWAtlanta.org