Annual Business Meeting and Installation of 2012-2013 Branch Officers

Many members turned out to enjoy the delicious brunch  at our annual business meeting on May 19 at Atlanta’s  Ansley Golf Club.   New AAUW Atlanta Branch officers were elected for 2012-2013 and the installation was conducted by Mary Hanson, 2005-2007 Branch Co-President. Congratulation are extended to our new Branch leadership:  Sharon Bevis-Hoover, President; Myra Carmon, Program Vice-President (one year term); Membership Vice-presidents:  Kay Collins (one year term) and Billie Collier (two year term); Treasurer, Huiping Du; and Nominating Committee:  Betty  Arden, Pat Bevis, Phyllis Miller, Frances Smith, Ruth Yurchuck.   Officers continuing to serve until June 30, 2013 include Board Secretary, Diana Witt and Branch co-secretaries, Betty Slater and Blondie Chitunya Wilson. Several very important items of business took place before the officer installation.   Barbara Buchanan updated the membership about our local scholarship program. Applications will be limited to students who are enrolled with our national partner colleges and universities.  Representatives of these schools were present at this meeting, thanks to the work of Betty Slater, College and University Relationships chair. The Branch bylaws and Standing Rules, revised by a committee chaired by Alta Birdsong, were unanimously approved.   Alta worked tirelessly on making the necessary bylaws changes, which incorporated those mandated by AAUW and those pertaining only to the Atlanta Branch.   The membership extended thanks to Alta and her committee:  Tami Anderson, Sharon Bevis-Hoover, Bea Meyer, and Ruth Yurchuck. And after discussion among members,  Cool Girls, Inc, was selected as our Branch signature project.  Membership voted to continue working with CARE on the Join My Village project.  This framework provides the Branch with a local project that will promote our local visibility while continuing to support international women through our work with CARE.