First Branch Meeting of 2015!

Plan to attend our annual legislative issues meeting on Saturday, February 7, 2015 from 11 am to 2 pm.  This year’s meeting will be held at the Ansley Golf Club (196 Montgomery Ferry Drive, Atlanta, GA 30309) and the Cobb and North Fulton Branches will be joining us. Directions to Ansley can be found on their website (; their phone number is  404.875.1687.

This year’s panel of speakers include a representative from Georgia Budget and Policy Institute (either Alan Essig or Taifa Butler), Charmaine Davis from 9 -5, and Dalia Racine, District Attorney. The GBPI representative will speak about Budget issues in the Georgia Legislature. Charmaine Davis will speak on HB 290 (the Family Care Act) and Dalia Racine will speak on “Human Trafficking.”  Lunch will follow the panel presentation; the cost of lunch is $25.00.

This is always an informative meeting with a great lunch in a beautiful setting.  You will receive an evite, so please respond by January 28.  Please plan to attend.

See you on February 7th!