New Name Grant Honorees for 2011–2012

A highlight of the annual Branch holiday party in December was the announcement of the Name Grant Honorees for 2011-2012.  Criteria for nominations include such things as performing tasks beyond normal expectations and distinguishing themselves within the Branch or in the community.  Also, candidates selected have not received this nomination within the past three years.  Final selection was made by the Atlanta Branch AAUW Funds section of the Philanthropy Committee.

This year seven persons have been awarded a Name Grant Honoree certificate and pin in appreciation of their significant contributions to AAUW for 2011–2012.  Whenever a branch donates to the AAUW Funds, the national organization provides the branch with an  opportunity to honor those members who have given exemplary service to the branch. The names of those being honored are submitted to AAUW, and a pin and certificate are awarded to the honoree and the names of the branch members receiving this honor are maintained at the state and national level. For 2011–2012, they are:

The Milholland Family (Ellen, Joe, and Jim) honored for their many hours of book collections and time spent in the bookroom.  Ellen, an AAUW member at large, contributes her time credit to the Atlanta Branch.

Alta Birdsong for serving two terms as treasurer and for her many years of Branch leadership.

Barbara Buchanan for her many hours of service to Bookfair, especially recruiting and managing volunteers prior to and during Bookfair week.

Dot Ransom for serving as membership vice-president for five years and recruitment of new members.

Pam Antinori for initiating our Cool Scholars Signature Project and continuing her successful leadership in that program.

Mary and Darwin Womack for hosting our holiday party for several years and for Bookfair work.

Mary Lynn Merkle and Ruth Yurchuck for serving as Branch co-presidents for three years and helping to move the Atlanta Branch in new directions.

Our Branch has been enriched by the efforts of these  people, and we are happy to highlight their contributions