Branch Meeting – Immigration Law

On Saturday, March 5th the Branch enjoyed and learned from an excellent presentation by Mr. Charles Kuck, the founder and managing partner of Kuck Baxter Immigration Law, a well-respected Atlanta firm.  It was apparent to those of us in attendance that our U.S. Immigration Law is outdated, difficult to manage and enforce, and very unwelcoming.

We should all be pleased that there are people like Charles Kuck and other members of his firm who are watching out for those people who are caught in the immigration web.

For those who want more information, Mr. Kuck has provided the following information.

Charles H. Kuck
Managing Partner
365 Northridge Road
Suite 300
Atlanta, GA 30350
Phone: (404) 816-8611
Direct Dial: (404) 949-8154
Fax: (404) 816-8615